MoU for Development of Smart City Solutions Signed Between TIM and Municipality of Turin

Chiara Appendino (left), Mayor of Turin, and Elisabetta Romano, TIM Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, signing the MoU.
On 1st August 2019, 5G EVE coordinator TIM and the Municipality of Turin signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to reinforce the already existing cooperation for making Turin a leading Smart City, enabled by 5G technologies. In particular, the agreement promotes the joint development of digital solutions and the deployment of innovative applications in Turin. The three-year MoU continues an existing agreement signed in 2017 for making Turin a European and national reference for 5G and digital technologies. The MoU was signed by the Mayor of Turin, Chiara Appendino, and by Elisabetta Romano, TIM Chief Technology and Innovation Officer.
Turin is of importance for TIM, as the Innovation Centre of TIM is located in Turin since 1964, and the first 5G connection has been experimentally executed there some months ago, using the first 5G smartphone prototype. The first demos of 5G services were presented in Turin as well, and Turin is one of the first cities where the commercial 5G service has been turned on in July 2019.
Turin also hosts one of the 5G EVE site facilities. In that site facility, other 5G PPP projects like 5G Tours, 5G Solutions, and 5G Growth will run their use cases on Smart City, Smart Tourism, and Smart Transport applications. The platform for these use cases and the basis of all the innovative applications for 5G is the platform provided by 5G EVE in Turin. Especially in 5G EVE the cooperation between the two MoU partners is very close, due to the fact that TIM is the project coordinator and the Municipality of Turin is an important partner.